Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Summer That Hasn't Been

Today is August 2. It is eight o'clock in the evening. The current temperature outside is 68°.

So this is summer?

Thanks to the advent of modern technology, and my fancy laptop, I can dictate directly into my computer my latest blog post while sitting on the front deck watching a beautiful Michigan summer sunset. The only problem? I'm wearing sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and I'm freezing my tuckus off!

This summer so far has proven to be the chilliest I have ever experienced. Granted, I've been spoiled spending summers in the past in California and Florida. I have even laughed out loud at people wearing sweat suits in 70° weather in Simi Valley. But so far this summer in Michigan we have only reached a high of 90° one time. For the majority of the summer, we have been lucky to hit 80°.

For some, this cool summer has been perfect. Being able to forgo running the air conditioning has been an economic benefit. "At least it's not humid and hot." some of my friends have said.

For me though, I like it warm. 80° warm and warmer. But this summer has been far from warm in my opinion. I've only been able to take the kids one time to the lake this year because it has been too chilly to go there most of the summer. Going to the beach when it's only 72° is like playing ice hockey in the desert.

So I guess I'll wait and see what August brings temperature wise. So much for global warming.

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